
The most beautiful screensavers. Ever.

Beautifully designed for Mac OSX [10.6 Snow Leopard or later]

Click Here to purchase registration code 

for only 99¢!

Savers are watermarked until registered. (AKA Nagware)

This easy-to-install screensaver has four beautiful, artful Modes. Yet each is unique to the user. Like a fine-tuned instrument, you can adjust SymSavers' speed, symmetry, points  of light, and much much more, never seeing the same image twice. SymSavers turns your computer monitor into the lava lamp of the New Millennium.


Meditative or inspiring, easy or tantalizing to the eyes, SymSavers can be a lively conversation piece. SymSavers can be visual background music for your dinner party, or provide a subtle, meditative sea of tranquility for your desktop while attending those seemingly endless telephone meetings.


In addition, SymSavers offer Symmetry Therapy®, a soothing way to relax and heal both body and mind. Read more about Symmetry Therapy® here.








SymSavers is the latest evolution of four open source titles which can be found here, here, here and here. This incarnation of Symsavers is by Jean Tantra of Algorithmic Artisans, a division of Jean Tantra is Senior Software Engineer at, specializing in  Mac, iPad and iPhone apps. Please feel free to contact, or call 510.872.4476. Website design and copywriting by Aunt Violet Productions, 415.260.8488.

These screen savers are open source. The symsavers are built with AppDNA, where a saver's source code is inside the saver's bundle.

If you have the saver you already have the source code.